
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

For Baby Girl Wesselhoeft

It's Baby Time at church and I made this quilt for a first time mommy named Misty. Little Lena Rene (I don't remember how they are spelling Rene, Renee, Renea?) will be here in December!

Here are close-ups of the rosebud and lime gingham fabrics

The quilt is tacked with a little heart-shaped stitch every few inches.

I am addicted to making these quilts. It's all Katie's fault! Love ya Katie!

Sewing for Ayla

And since I just love to sew for little girls, I made these two outfits for Ayla... she's two! Her mama said she loves skirts and likes to dress herself. These shirts are so easy and they have no front or back.

This is the same style top but with little culottes instead of a skirt.

Lime green is one of Ayla's favorite colors!

Sewing for Alicia

So I was emailing with Katie today and she said 'What have you been sewing lately...?' I made these 'Back to School' outfits for a little four year old darling named Alicia.

The top is reversible...
I also made a few teeshirt dresses but I guess I forgot to get pictures of those...

Busy, busy, busy

Yes, that's our life recently. Seems like it's been so very busy. Busy is good, right? The whole 'idle hands' thing? LOL

We are heading to my hometown this Wed - Sun for a family reunion. The children are especially excited because my mother just got a Jersey and they get to help milk her!

I'm working on a quilt so that is my big project for today. I also need to give the boys a haircut. Molly and the big boys are doing our packing today.

I don't have anything else exciting to add... just wanted to drop a quick Update note.

More later... I'm sure!