
Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Big 16.... Our Caleb

It's so hard to believe... where has the time gone... he was just a wee babe... just a giggling toddler... just reading candle labels... just learning to ride a bike... I blinked.
And now he's a young man... learning to serve with a joyful heart... striving, with his whole heart, to live a life pleasing to the Lord... learning through his own personal struggles what it means to be a Christian... growing up.
I watch it all through tears... thank you Lord for Caleb. He is a blessing to me and to each of us. Hold him close and guide him...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nehemiah is one month old!!

Here are some One Month Old pictures of him!!

Sleeping good....

Look at all that hair!....

and those pretty blue eyes... We call him "Little Fluffster"!!!He's a cutie pie!! ...
so sweet...
By Molly

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Decorating for our Season of Thanks

The Project:

I don't know who the lovely lady is... I snagged this idea from a message board!
The Supplies:
The Finished Product: up close...
This is hanging above the doorway in our dining room.
(We had so much fun making it we are now working on a Happy Birthday banner... stay tuned...)
Our dining room table:

The boys are gonna gather some acorns and berries for the bowls!
We just love Thanksgiving!!

Sweet Dreams ~ Four Weeks Old

Nehemiah's four week old pictures...
Sleepy Boy...Dreaming....

We finally caught a Sweet Smile! :-).