
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Joey's Newest Dipe

Joey picked out the fabric *all by himself*!

Nehemiah's 5 month pictures!!

He loves his toes! :-),
I love the facial expressions he is making in these two pictures!! :-),

As you can tell... He also loves his fingers!!

Looks like he's getting tired of taking pictures :-),
Yep, he's definitely tired of pictures!! :-).
Photography and Post by Molly.

Friday, March 13, 2009

We're getting chicks TODAY!

How's that for planning?

Someone in our homeschool group was accidentally sent chicks she didn't order and needs to rehome them. After breakfast we are going to pick up some Rhode Island Red chicks.

More later!

Good morning...

It's been a while since I've blogged. Life is full (and busy). We are enjoying the budding spring and are happy that winter is over! However the budding part of spring has several of us sniffling and sneezing... I guess it's a small price to pay though, right?

Matt has been off for several days so he and Caleb and Sam have been finishing up some projects around the house. They made screens for all of our screenless windows! I'm so excited to be able to open the windows and enjoy the spring breezes without the bugs and cats coming inside! They also are working on a gate for the fence and they've worked some on cleaning out and rearranging the workshop -- that is a huge job!

Nehemiah is growing up so fast. I always forget how fast newborns turn into infants and then into babies and are just a step away from toddlers. Too fast.
Molly took some cute pictures of Nehemiah last night, I'll try to get them blogged today.

I've been working on updating
Wonder Unders the past few days. I'm about done. I want to move all the products from Lewis Family Mercantile over to WU and just work with one business site from now on. That's a slow process but hopefully I'll get it done this week. The business keeps me busy... as soon as I get to a 'finished' place more orders come in. That's good, right?

We are having drain field problems so that's what we'll be doing this weekend. Thankfully I'm the water and sandwich gal and won't be really involved with the stinky parts of the job! LOL