
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life is full -- We are blessed

I was just thinking about the past week. My life is so blessed. Not only am I blessed with the husband and children the Lord has given to me I am also blessed with "adopted" family :)

Matt, Jenn and Landon came Friday and stayed through Monday afternoon. It was so nice having them 'back home'. They are a blessing to us in so many ways. I am very thankful to the Lord for putting them in our lives and allowing us to "adopt" them into our family!

Danny, Brandy and their children came Tuesday to spend the day. (The have a/c problems and it so hot at their house they came to our house for a cooling off break :) ) They ended up spending the night and the next day and that night and the next day! I just love it. They are so much a part of our family, it feels very natural (though a little loud! LOL) to have them here!

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, chose to plant us in an area where we have no natural relatives. We may never know the reasons for this... but He has been very kind to us and given us 'new' relatives. We have parents in the Nissleys, siblings in the Hunters and children in the Bates.

You are so good, so kind, so loving -- Thank you Lord for filling our lives with such wonderful people!

We love you!