
Monday, December 21, 2009

Time to get real...

Okay. Alrighty. This is real life here. This is what you see if you just show up at my house! These are not “Hurry! Someone is coming! Clean off the porches! Clean up the yard!” pictures. Use your imagination if you must. LOL

Standing on the front porch looking left (north – aren’t you impressed? I asked Caleb )

Looking straight ahead (that would be east! I love having a smart son!) (two shots)

The tractor is on loan. It started raining and it rained and rained and rained so the mowing hasn’t been finished yet. Surely it will dry up soon!

Our house. It was a dark and dreary day. We have very few of those :woohoo: Note: what appears to be a leaning column is not. It is not leaning. It is on the ground. It keeps getting bumped out of place. I’m thinking it’s not very important, right?

Standing in the front yard panning to the west

At the top of the driveway looking west into the backyard/goat yard area.

Turned 180 degrees, looking down the driveway

What’s this? This is a fire ant mound. It’s about two feet across. They are everywhere.

Where was I? I got distracted…
Oh yes, looking into the goat pen.

Meet Lucy. Ethel died.

The backyard

The back of the house. Um. Yeah. I told ya it wasn’t pretty… but it’s real. Right. Real is important. Right. ?

Look. A cat. A black and white cat. This is Biddy (she’s named for Cordelia Drexel Biddle). I asked Luke. I can’t tell them all apart. We have seven black and white cats. And two grey and white.
The side of the back yard. The movable chicken pens. We love hen fruit here!

Look! What have we here?
Proof that I am a fun mama! A big dirt area behind the back porch. Little boys love to dig. And dig and dig and dig…

See my shoe there? Those are big holes. One of them was four feet deep and there was a tunnel between them.

The burn pile. You must have a burn pile if you live in the country. It’s in the rule book.

The barn. In process of being cleaned out and restored. There’s thirty years worth of someone else’s junk in there….

The south pasture, the dog yard is to the left and the barn is to the right

What is this? Who knows? Wheat or something similar? It’s from where a chicken pen used to set. We have all kinds of interesting things growing in our yard from the chickens! We used to have the chicken pens n the area in the picture just above this one… but we started losing chickens to weasels or possum or something?

More of the south pasture. It’s terribly overgrown. We have nothing to pasture there. There’s no cross-fencing so our land runs right into our neighbors land. It will be bushhogged though… when the weather dries up enough!

Well, that’s it. I hope it wasn’t too anticlimactic LOL If you ever wondered if we are just normal folk – I hope this answered your questions! We love company so come on down!!