
Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010.... 20-10.... Twenty Ten... Already?

The last year of the first decade of the new milennium.


How's your new year going? I made a decision to get healthier this year and I committed to walking for at least one mile every day on my treadmill. Day one... twenty minutes into my walk.... klerk... klerk...klerk... and it came to a jolting stop. -imagine me frowning and whining here- I am so frustrated. Hopefully Tony can get in contact with the service people soon.

And it's cold here. Really cold. For days and days on end. We are just not used to this anymore. Our lovely Florida warmth has spoiled us...

On a happier note.... I have been reminded over and over how blessed we are with our family and our church family. We have such wonderful friends here, such a loving church family... I am so thankful to the Lord! We also have wonderful friends who don't live here and I am blessed to have them in our lives too!!

And as soon as it warms up we've love to have any of y'all come for a visit!!

Until then, enjoy your hot chocolate :) Add marshmallows and think of me!