
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The new girls room... BEFORE

I don't know if the girls room will be phase 2 or phase 3?  Either way, this is what it looks like now!
um... yeah...

When we moved here they boys wanted a 'frontier' bedroom.  We were so excited to find this wallpaper.  The 'curtain rod' is a limb and the valance is burlap attached with twine (maybe jute?  yeah, I think it was jute.)
Um, just realized Luke's airplane creations are still in there... oh Luuuuuuke...
The girls, after much, much, much searching finally found bedding they like!
They are thinking the lightest sage green for the walls but we haven't been paint shopping yet.  Their room will be done in two phases also.  The first part will be cleaning and painting.  The second will be building a window seat, chests of drawers and bookshelves all around the window.  :)

Ready, set, here we go!

I'm calling it Done!

Even though we are probably, in reality only 95% done.  There is just a smidge of touch up that needs to be done on the walls and we need the flooring repaired (where the walls were removed).  But other than that... done.  Yep!

What?  You want pictures?  Well, if you pull my arm... lol

The shelf above Luke's bed, mostly some of his Lego creations.
Beds for Elijah (l) and Caleb (r)
Our lovely closet!  :D
Stuff, still not perfectly arranged...
Corner bookshelves, baskets of "stuff", that little chair was given to Sam by his great great grandmother (for whom he was named, she was a Locke).
This desk was made by either Tony's mothers dad or granddad... I can't remember?
In case you are wondering... I am not responsible for the room decor ;)

Looking south.
My lovely doors again... LOL
That wall will be painted to look like the fort in Boonesborough (from the old Daniel Boone tv series). In front of it will be a custom built twin over double toddler bunk bed. I just don't have it completely designed yet :)

There ya go!  Just a few finishing touches:
some paint touch ups
insulated Roman shades
floor repair

Then we'll be off to Phase 2 or 3!

Dare I say it...? The Bedroom Remodel Project Phase I is D.O.N.E.

Yes, I think in 'emoticons'!  Woohoo!!!
Pics coming soon!  I just wanted to say Woohoo!  with y'all! 

Phases 2 and 3 will be building the little boys a bed and painting their 'Boonesborough' wall and painting, etc... in the girls room.