
Friday, May 7, 2010

Life since vacation...

has been busy and blessed. 

Let's see... we got home on the 27th (Tuesday) and were joyfully welcomed by our "oldest children" Matt and Jennifer (& Landon, of course!)  They stayed here and 'house sat' for us and took such good care of things.  It was so nice, after such a long drive, to walk into a nice, clean, good-smelling home!  The animals were all well-tended and happy :)  They are such a joy to my heart and I am so thankful to the Lord for them!

So we spent the rest of the week in 'vacation recovery mode', ya know how that goes... While we were gone Danny and Brandy were blessed with the opportunity to rent a lovely large home that is only 20 minutes from us!  The children and I spent Monday helping them with a little of the moving.  The plan was to paint the new house and then move in room by room.

Meanwhile Danny and Brandy's son Evan had been having some concerning symptoms and they had taken him in for bloodwork on Monday.  Their doctor called Tuesday and said "Evan's platelet count is 8000 -- I want him in the hospital right now.  They are waiting for you."  (Normal platelet count for a child is 140,000 - 450,000).  Danny called and told me and then brought the other children (minus the baby) to us.  Matt and Jennifer were still here and were a huge help during this time. 

Wednesday Molly, Jennifer and Matt watched all the children and I took Caleb, Sam and Ashley with me and we worked on getting the kitchen moved.  Tony had taken Wednesday off and he and Carol (a friend from church) worked on painting the house.

Evan was discharged from the hospital Wednesday evening.  We spent Thursday painting and moving more stuff.  The Nissleys brought their truck and trailer over and moved some appliances.  It's Friday now, M, J and I are here with the children and Tony is helping move a small load.  We'll all go over tomorrow and spend the afternoon painting and moving stuff around. 

It's been a busy week but such a blessed one.  We are so thankful to the Lord that Evan's initial diagnosis of ITP is treatable!  I am thankful for such helpful children who don't mind hard work.  I am thankful for Matt and Jennifer being so willing to just step in and do whatever needs to be done.  I read a saying recently that said "Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves".  I think that is so true and I am thankful that the Lord has filled our lives with such good friends who are family to us!