
Thursday, May 13, 2010

miscellaneous adorability...

Luke, not Lukey, not Lukey Pookey, just Luke

The Four Musketeers
Landon and Poppy

The Joey


My Super First Born

My adorable first born daughter

Sweet Sam and Silly Nehemiah

Matt and Ike, snugglebuddies!

Mare, the bird lady in waiting

The Week of The Virus

Last Monday night Nehemiah spiked a fever.  We treated with ibuprofen and it went down some.  I assumed it was teething-related.  He had a fever again the next day.  By Wednesday he was fine.  Saturday he woke up with a rash on his face and Sunday it had spread to his abdomen.  I spoke with Sherry at church (she's a PA) and she reminded me that a mystery high fever followed several days later by a rash is a typical virus symptom.  I knew that - why didn't it come to my mind?  We had several episodes like that when our older children were younger.   She also said that teething related fevers are never over 101, a fever over 101 is an immune system fighting fever.  We didn't give much thought to it being contagious or anything and figured it was all over.

Sunday afternoon MaryVance was complaining of a stomach ache.  She also had a slight headache but no temperature.  That was the beginning of The Week of The Virus.  :)  Landon, Joseph, Sam, Isaac have all had the spiky fever, Landon has gotten a slight rash.  MaryVance, Molly and today Luke have had the headache with stomach ache. 

That leaves Caleb and Elijah... and all the adults.  I wonder who will be next?