
Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Girls Room

Way back when... we painted and moved the girls into this room and then stalled out.  We have *down the road* plans which involve a loft bed for MaryVance and a Captain's bed for Molly.  We wanted to do something for *now* to make sure a) MaryVance liked a loft bed and b) Molly liked getting her clothes from under her bed LOL

The boys had two sets of drawers that fit under their bunk that they donated to the cause so they are under Molly's bed.  Then we built a frame for MaryVance's bed to fit up on.  Don't be afraid... it's very secure, I assure you wink  There are 1/2 inch x 4 inch dowel rods going from the bottom of her bed frame legs into the top of the frame we built.  The bed is connected to the frame the exact same way it was connected to the lower bunk when they were bunked. 

It's a very "looks like Mama did it" kinda style LOL  but it serves the purpose to see if she really likes it like this.  I will make a curtain for the bottom of it as soon as I get the fabric.

With all that... here is their new re-do  Hearts over the Head

Our Girlies are very happy!!  And that makes this Mama, very happy!! 

Our New School Room/Library

Just for frame of reference... this is a mid 70s ranch-style house.  This room is on the front of the house, facing east, and was originally "the parlor" or "the living room" (not to be confused with the den). 

We made it a library/guest room originally.  It has been a sewing room, a play room and is now a school room / library Heart 

When we bought this house this room was a white/lt gray/lt blue? color.  Very pale.  We painted it an "oops" color.  Paint we had tinted to go somewhere else that we did not like but had it so we used it here.
 So you can see the old color vs. the new color.  When this was made into a play room I used planets on black fabric and multicolored striped fabric for curtains.  I used the planets on black fabric to pull the green color.  I cut the curtains down into just valances so we could have lots of light in here and removed the curtain from the front door.

Here goes:

 This looks out into the front yard.

 The short shelves are "easy" books.  The tall book case houses school baskets with current work.  Supplies are on the top shelf and bottom shelf.  The three drawer units are preK stuff.

 This is the north wall. 
 The little school table... all prettied up with stickers from Auntie Charlotte Heart
 The rest of that wall.  The door goes into the living room.  That corner has the arts and crafts cabinet, shelves of paper and shelves of puzzles.

 This is the opposite wall.  (The other side of this wall is our living room, the big wall I just posted pics of.)  You can see the south end opens into the dining room.
 Command CentralLOL  I hope you enjoyed our tour!  Come see us sometime!

Latest Living Room Project

I saw the idea in Angela's living room Hearts over the Head  This is my version.  I got the brainstorm the other day, ran to Lowe's for supplies and Caleb and Sam built them yesterday.  I love them!  Hearts over the Head  Eventually I have a whole different plan for this wall but that plan is a way down the road and I wanted something up there *now* wink  The shelf/ledges are 3.5 feet long each.  Toldya its a huge wall

Head nod yes

 We have this huge, HUGE wall in the living room (this is where all those book cases were, remember?) and since I know some of you will strain your eyes to see the photos LOL
 Tracy and Me, all of us at Matt & Jennifer's reaffirmation ceremony, my maternal great grandparents on their wedding day, Great Aunt Mary Louise [MV's namesake], my parents/Tony's parents/us at our wedding
 Honey and DD (maternal grandparents - Marshall and Bobbye [Martha Vance] Rains - MV's other namesake), my brother Jack, sister Rebecca and me, old family pic when Ike was the baby, Mr. Albin & Miss Martha [dear "family" from our previous church], Matt, Jennifer and baby Landon at the beach [this was right after they moved in the first time Heart ], my mother's grandparents, their children and grandchildren - my mother is the little girl, she is the only niece
 Aunt Louise & Uncle Max, me and my brother Jack, Matt & Jennifer at their reaffirmation ceremony, "Davenport Wheel" when Ike was the baby, me and my Grandaddy at my wedding, the Lewis/Graves gang [Tracy's family]

They are made with 1x3s faced with a trim piece and spray painted black.