
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just another fun day in LaraLewisLand!

Shiloh and McKenna and the Massive Barbie House!
Trampoline Fun!  Isaac, Joseph, Creed, Jadon
Sabre, The Man
Look!  Jireh lost another tooth!!
Sister Fun!  Jireh, Shiloh and McKenna
The Dudes.  Hanging out.  Joseph, Jadon and Elijah
Serious conversation, much?  The Dynamic Trio joined by Isaac
Best Buddies:  Nehemiah and Creed
Chow Time!  Expertly grilled burgers by Zach (of course) and all the trimmings.
Luke and Sabre
Bristol sneaking in some snuggling with her favorite "Mr. Tony"
Carese, never one to miss out on a little snuggling too!!  Sandwiched between Sam and Molly.
Bristol watching soccer on TV with Caleb, Sabre teaching Luke how to operate his electronics!
Think Luke is getting the hang of it?
Now it's time for Electronic Lessons with Sabre for Isaac and Elijah.
Soccer on tv entertains some (Elijah and Zach) ... lol... but not Isaac and Sabre.
Nice of Bristol to share her chips and dip with Jadon and Caleb.
Trampoline fun... Elijah, Isaac, Joseph... and Jadon?
And now it's time for some badmitton... Team Zach/Ameris vs. Team Moriah/MaryVance
And now Sam rotates in.
Caleb and the Wee Crew:  Sabre, Bristol and Jireh
Caleb and Sam... Luke and Ameris... wonder who won?
Go Moriah!!
And now volleyball... Wow, MaryVance, what a return!!
The Munchkin Crew!  Sabre, Bristol, Nehemiah, Jireh and Shiloh.
Sweet friends... MaryVance and Moriah
"Mom, why do we have to do Algebra today?!" Ameris and Sam
Sam, "Ameris, hold your hand like this and she will stop taking pictures!"  Ameris, "Sam, it's not working..."
Hot and sweaty is proof of a day well played... Bristol and Luke!