
Monday, November 16, 2015

Our "new" house... we have a closing date of 11/30!

The view from the road, it's so private, we love that!
The Poikas call it 'the bread loaf house' LOL... but I believe technically it's a "Mansard-style" house.
I love the big front door!  I think it needs *color* though, what do you think?  Any color suggestions?
The rear view.  The balconies are attached to the Master and what will eventually be the Girls room. There are two sets of sliders that go into the basement from the backyard.  They enter into the Bonus room.
The basement has a laundry room and half bath.
Basement Bonus room.  Will start out as half Boys room, half Library.
View of the Bonus room from the other end.
Still the Bonus room.  The door the far right is to the mechanical room, the middle door goes to a small storage area under the stairs and the doorway opening is the staircase going upstairs to the main level.
Dining room, front of the house, deck to the left, Kitchen to the right. 
MaryVance labeled these photos as she saved them, she called this "The Eventual Girls Room" lol
Full bath, door into the living room and the other side has a door into the Eventual Girls Room.
The Boys will eventually be upstairs in two rooms, this will be one of them.
This is the other Eventually Boys room.  These two bedrooms have a Jack n Jill bath.  Every bedroom has these build in drawers... which seem really cool and neat... until you try to place furniture!  lol
Kitchen, pantry cupboards, left door is to living room, right door into dining room, kitchen is on the front of the house.
New appliances and (yippee...) new granite countertops in the kitchen and all three full bathrooms.

Living room, spiral staircase goes up to the "observatory".  Doorway goes to the full bath shared with the girls room.      
Living room, to the right is the dining room and kitchen.
Master has two double door closets, this door leads to the bathroom.
Spiral staircase from the living room leads up to the observatory.  This is the only room on this level.

There's a wonderful deck on the side of the house alongside the dining room and living room.

And the very best part... and the reason we even considered this house... it's on 15 acres!  I grew up living right beside 'the woods' and I love it but this land is mostly more like forest land than woods and it's lovely!  There's also a section of land that's all bamboo, Nehemiah calls it "The BBF" (bamboo forest).  It's so neat!  Like being in a different world. 
You can't really tell much from this but the house is near the front and the border  to your left is Jordan Creek :)

 And there you have it!  The house photos are all from the realtor's listing so we will have new 'Lewis' pictures soon, Lord willing :)