
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

She said YES!

 It was their six month anniversary and Sam wanted to surprise Hannah with an outing he knew she would enjoy --- horseback riding!

After the ride was finished, a quick burger stop was in order before proceeding to what will not be their favorite park!  A few 'happy anniversary' gifts to throw her off track.

 A photo Molly took of them on our recent day trip to Pigeon Forge in a really cute 'barn' frame!
 And an 'inside joke' gift, she's teases him about his big watermelon straw cup so he got her a Pioneer Woman straw cup of her own!
 A nice LONG walk around the park... (looking for a private place to propose!)

 The happy couple!
 Lots more talking and swinging...

 More walking and posing for pics by Hannah's mom :)