
About Us

2.17.21 Update.  I recently realized I have not updated this page since I published it in 2012!  I'm going to add addenda to and introduce our new (since then) family members!  ~Dana

Meet Our Children

Caleb Rains

Our firstborn.  Our 'practice child'... lol.  Caleb is such a blessing.  It's a strange yet amazing feeling, as a mom, to watch a child grow into a man. Caleb's hobbies are
  • Astronomy, he got a telescope several years ago and really enjoys studying God's creation in the stars and planets
  • Woodworking
  • Reading... that should say READING!
  • Chickens
  • Researching and studying intently subjects that interest him
  • Running
Caleb has always been more of a serious child, he thinks deeply and he thinks through things completely.  He is not rash and does not make 'spur of the minute' decisions.  He does, however, have a fun and goofy side :)
Caleb was named for the Old Testament Caleb and his middle name is for my grandfather, Robert Marshall Rains.  Grandaddy was the only son in his family and he only had one child (my mother).  We wanted to honor him by continuing his family name.  Grandaddy passed away when I was in early pregnancy with Caleb.  Caleb means "loyal"  and "faithful" and those are certainly true of our Caleb. 
Addendum:  Caleb is working through college classes online and has been employed with Greenville Media for two years.  He still loves most all of the above and it such a blessing to all of us.  He has developed a love for working on cars which is a huge bonus to us as a family.

                                Molly Elizabeth

Molly Elizabeth... our first Jewel!  Molly is such a delight, she is easy-going and fun has such a peaceful countenance.  She is a joyful young lady and is very helpful.  Molly has a knack for organizing and planning and helps greatly with keeping things running smoothly in our home.
Molly is named for my best friend from college.  Elizabeth is for the New Testament Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist and Elizabeth is also a family name for several generations on my side of the family.
Molly loves photography!  You can view her work at 
Addendum:  Molly has been breeding and selling Beagles since 2012.  It was a joint endeavor with Sam but shortly after his marriage she bought him out.  The website is and she also has a Facebook group called Backyard Beagles of the Upstate (SC). 

                                 Samuel Locke

We should have named him "Smiley"!  Sam always has a smile on his face.  He is my "go-to" guy for any project.  Sam always has a willing heart and hands eager to help.  His current passions are birds and nature photography.  He has built over twenty bird houses, bird feeders, bird waterers and loves to feed the birds. 
Sam has always had such a good disposition, even as a toddler.  He is fun and happy and loves to make others smile. He's never passed a mud puddle he didn't jump in or a flower he didn't stop to smell.
Addendum:  Sam is married to the longtime love of his life, Hannah (who is a true joy to all of us!) and they have been blessed with two little girls!  Oh, I just love being a 'Honey'.  They are so much fun!  Sam is blessed to work in an environment where he can not only protect the innocent but is able to be a role model for so many.  It's really the perfect job for him.  Watching your children grow into adulthood is an amazing experience... watching a son become a husband and then a father... I have no words.  It fills my heart with joy almost to overflowing.  

                                 Luke Anthony
Luke, our shining light!  Luke loves to build things, he enjoys Legos and other building toys.  He has always had an incredible diligence and patience with tiny things since he was a little tyke.  Nothing is too tedious for Luke.  He is an avid reader and is often found rereading books.  I'll say "Luke, haven't you read that already?" and he will say "I'm just rereading my favorite chapters." LOL Luke is a walking miracle and testimony to the faithfulness of God and prayers from around the world.
Addendum:  Luke *still* "rereads his favorite chapters"!  He is currently a Civil Engineering major at BJU and he works part-time at Greenville Media.  He is a good student and enjoys learning. 

                                   Mary Vance

Mary Vance (usually written as 'MaryVance'), our second jewel.  She is the 'leader', 'guide' and 'mother hen' to the four little boys.  :)  MaryVance loves art and craft projects.   MaryVance is very loving and affectionate and is always ready for a snuggle.  She loves to make things for people and she is also an avid reader.  MaryVance enjoys schoolwork and is a good scholar.  I am very thankful for her, she is a real joy in my life.

 Mary Vance is named for my favorite great aunt, Mary Louise and my grandmother, Martha Vance.  I knew from the very beginning of my pregnancy that she was a girl.  Her 'Mary' is also for the mother of Jesus.  Vance is a family name, my mother also has the middle name Vance.
Addendum: She is still an "honorary brother" to the Poikas! MaryVance is our current 'head chef' and keeps us all fed and we are very thankful (especially the hungry hoard of brothers!). She is an avid reader, letter writer and good friend to all she brings into her heart.  She is a self-taught pianist and has a lovely singing voice. MaryVance is also an equal partner in our little business with me.  She handles all of the order fulfillment, social media, tax stuff, basically all of the things that I'm not good at!  She is a blessing in so many ways!

                                  Elijah Jack

Elijah... is energetic and intense.  He is a first-born in a sixth-born's body!  He is definitely the 'leader' of the four pack.  He loves to read, loves to play dress up, loves to be outside, love to build things, loves to draw. He is very creative.
Elijah Jack is named for the Old Testament Elijah and my daddy, Jack.  My brother is also Jack and has red hair, just like Elijah.  Elijah was our first homeborn child -- what a precious time that was.
Addendum: Elijah is very artistic and enjoys creating things, that hasn't changed! He enjoys reading (currently, especially Tolkien) and is my main man now that he's the oldest guy at home all the time.  He is very handy and a willing helper to me. 

                                  Isaac Jonathan

Isaac... my sweet Ike!  He is such a loving, affectionate child.  Isaac has a very tender heart and is really thoughtful.  He is learning to read and is a very good student.  He is a peacemaker and likes to keep everyone happy.  Isaac means 'laughter' and he certainly brings much joy and laughter to our home.
Isaac Jonathan is named for the Isaac in the Old Testament.  I was praying about his name and the Lord gave "Isaac" to me.  His middle name, Jonathan, is for a very special son of our dear friends.  More on that the homebirth page.
Addendum: Except for the 'learning to read' part, he is still very much the same.  He is very purposeful and intentional in his decisions and actions. Isaac has wanted his very own dog for years and finally decided that he wanted a chocolate lab.  He is the proud owner of Duncan now!  Duncan joined our family in December, he is a goofy, fun addition.  Isaac is doing a great job with his training and I'm sure he and Duncan will have many adventures together.

                                 Joseph Timothy

Joseph is, well, full speed ahead.  All the time.  Loud, happy, joyful, full of life and laughter.  He reminds me a lot of Sam now.  Joey loves to snuggle and loves to be read to.  He enjoys playing dress up and being one of 'the boys'.  Joseph loves Legos and Playmobil people.  He is a good big brother to 'Minah'.
Joseph Timothy is named for my brother Joseph who passed from the womb straight to the glory of heaven and for the Old Testament Joseph who was so faithfully obedient to the Lord. His middle name, Timothy, is the name of Jonathan's father. The S family is very dear to us and we wanted to honor their family by naming our son for his "Uncle Tim".
Addendum: Rereading the above and nodding my head... it's amazing how their personalities don't really change that much from childhood.  Joseph is just about the tallest brother now!  

                              Nehemiah Nissley

Nehemiah is such a joy!  He was a very easy and happy baby and is a delightful toddler.  He is such a blessing to us!  I often say he's so good he should have been twins!  :)  Landon christened him "Minah" which he called himself until he changed it to Doomimah... and now he says Nehemiah.  Sometimes.  Sometimes he is still Doomimah.  :)  When asked what his name is his most often reply is "Doomimah Nisney Woois".  Ya gotta love that!  I just love this little fella!
Nehemiah is named for the Old Testament Nehemiah and two dear men, brothers named Nissley, who are family to us.
Addendum: I'm happy to report that he can correctly pronounce his name now!  LOL.  Nehemiah is nearly as tall as me (his foot has been bigger for a couple of years). He is so much fun, he can be very serious and pensive at times.  Even as a little fella he enjoys playing alone.  He has a great imagination. Nehemiah loves to read too (as do most of the children).

There is so much more I could say but hopefully the updates will fill the gap a little between 2012 and 2021!