

(Originally written many years ago... *updates added 2023)

Getting to know us... getting to know all about us...

My generic silly answer for years to this question was "Nope, just passionate Protestants!" with a big smile.  'Tis true Tony and I were both raised Southern Baptist but the Lord has since led us to a Mennonite church where we were blessed to worship for seven years.  We were part  of a small home fellowship, Heritage Family Fellowship for a year.  Our "church affiliation" has no bearing on our family size... we trust the Lord to provide us with children in His perfect timing!

*We are blessed to be a part of the church body at Summit View Baptist Church now. 

  Oh!  I sure hope not!  I love everything about being pregnant and giving birth and I hope to keep on having babies until He closes my womb!  We are a "quiverfull" family.
 What is Quiverfull?
What do you mean you are "Quiver Full"?  What is that?
The phrase "quiver full" comes from Psalms 127: 3-5:
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:  and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver FULL of them:  they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Being 'quiver full' is just a way of saying that we trust the Lord to bless us with children as He wills.  Children are a Blessing!  If you were a warrior going into battle how many arrows would you want to take with you?  The amazing part is that we can greatly multiply our ability to reach people for the Lord if we have many arrows to prepare and then send out into the world!
For more information and encouragement in giving your "family planning" to our trustworthy and loving Lord, check out the Quiverfull website.

 We homeschool and always have!  Read more about it on the Homeschooling tab.

Q: How old are your kids? Well we had a thing going with even years for a while...
Caleb 92
Mollyl 94
Sam 96
Luke 98
MaryVance 00
Elijah 02
And then Isaac was born at the very end of 03
Joseph 06
Nehemiah 08

Q: What do y'all drive?! Yes, we were recently asked this question at Walmart!  We drive a Dodge Sprinter as our 'family ride'.

Q: How do you do it all? I don't.  {smile}  I do what's important!  Our children are wonderful helpers and they each have chores they are responsible for.  I've found that having a very basic routine helps immensely. 

Q: Why does your family dress the way it does? The Bible teaches that we are all to dress modestly.  We apply this scripture by having our girls in dresses/jumpers/skirts and our boys don't go topless (the girls don't either!) and are mindful in their attire.  "Modest" can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people but these guidelines are what we have chosen for our family.  You can read about that on the Articles page.  
"Modesty" doesn't only refer to dress but it is the reason we choose to dress as we do, in our desire to be pleasing to the Lord.

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