
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another New Family of Friends!!

This post really should come before the post about the G's but I can't figure out how to move it... so just pretend!

When Tracy emailed me and we got to chatting she said she had a good friend who lived near me named Cristal. So, what did I do? Of course, I emailed Cristal (or did she email me first? I forget). Cristal and I hit it off, of course... She's a MOMYS too! Cristal and her family came for supper one night. David and Cristal have six children and their ages mesh right with the ages of our children.

Here's a group shot of the L and L children! Oh and we had the H children visiting too so the extra six are H's! Can you tell who is who? I'll give you a hint... most of the blondes are H's... but not all of them... all of the Lewis' are wearing red but not all of the ones in red are Lewis'.

The children had so much fun! All twenty of them. They were scattered about playing various games. Some of the bigs ended up in the living room playing Apples to Apples. They had so much fun!!

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