
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Joseph... Sleeping... WHERE?

Isn't he precious? Such a darling! And look at those lips... ahhh... sweet sleeping bliss. But, "where" is he sleeping, you ask? What? You didn't ask 'where'? Didn't you notice the title? tsk...tsk...tsk...

hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Sam was working in the kitchen and Molly was sitting at the bar holding Joseph while talking to Sam. She said Joseph was really sleepy and kept pushing away from her so she laid him back on the counter and He Fell Asleep!!! We have had children (Luke) that have fallen asleep in really wierd places but Joseph is our first kitchen counter napper! I promise we didn't leave him there. Molly snapped the pics and then laid him in the bed ;-)

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