
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Family's Trip Highlight...

We met a wonderful family and made new friends!!

Most of you have heard me talk about the MOMYS... well we met this family through the MOMYS group!

They live near Orlando and when they heard we were coming down that way they very graciously opened their home to us. We had a wonderful visit and a delicious supper! Yum!!

I left my camera in the van but Tracy and her daughter Jessica took some pics. If they will share with me I'll post them here!

Anyway, they are the G family! Steve and Tracy and they have nine children. Several of their children are the same ages as our children and they all had so much fun visiting and playing together!

Meeting the G's was definitely the highlight of our whole trip!

1 comment:

  1. We really enjoyed meeting you and your precious family!! Oh, how our Awesome God has woven your family with ours and the other "L" family!
    God is sooo very good!!! We love you all and are anxious to see these new friendships grow and prosper to glorify HIM!!!
    We are very grateful for your new friendship!!
    Much Love, Tracy for the "G" Fam


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!