
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"You can never have too many people that love you"

Wise words from my Mama. A long time ago. They've been echoing in my head for years.

We made a trip to TN on Wednesday night and stayed through Sunday morning. We had a nice uneventful trip up and a long uneventful trip back home.

We had a chance to visit most all of our relatives. We are so blessed. We have so many people that love us... so many people that we love. Thank you Lord for our family. Help us to be a blessing to them too!

I have tons of pics... I'll upload some soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dana! I was thinking about you this morning and visited your website...which led me to here :). This is your momys friend Tina :). Praying you and yours are doing well!
    Love in Him,


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