
Monday, November 5, 2007

Goat Day

An annual local festival in Blountstown Florida ~ Goat Day. This is our family's fourth year to attend. Goat Day festivities take place at the Panhandle Pioneer Settlement. Here are some photos of the settlement area. There are many buildings here, a schoolhouse, church, fire station, general store, blacksmith shop and many more.

One of the highlights for the children is the Penny Dig. One of the local banks sponsors the Penny Dig and they scatter several hundreds of dollars of change in the volleyball thing (pit? field? court? Yes, I think 'court' is the right word!)
MaryVance and Elijah found $5.50 in change. They were excited to be able to buy their own snacks and treats with their own money!
Stephen and Caleb... 'partners in crime'... Ha ha ha ! They are big buddies and had great fun digging for change!
Joseph just liked playing in the sand.... who needs pennies...?

And the horses... we musn't forget the "horshes"...
It was a beautiful day, sunny, breezy and relatively cool. I didn't even *think* about the need for sun protection. Poor Molly... I think she got the brunt of it for our family -- though most of us were sunburned to some extent. Here's Molly after we got home:

Our church had a food booth at Goat Day. We provided a huge assortment of baked goods, breads and cookies, hamburgers, hot dogs and plate lunches with 'Uncle Lonnie's Famous Grilled Chicken' and all the fixins! Goat Day is a Lot of fun! It's always the third Saturday in October -- plan to come and 'do' Goat Day with us next year, okay?!!

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