
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Playhouse Day Two

Whew. Another long day. I'm glad we had nice weather! Today our plan was to get the walls up. Here's what the littles did...

Framing up the first wall
What is it with little boys and water?...
Almost there... three sides done...
Woohoo!! The last side is UP! This shot is from the right side.

This is a shot of the back.
Ta da!!!
By way of explanation... I'm sure you are wondering "why in the world is this taking so long?!" Well, any *normal* people would have found a neat set of plans and followed them to build a playhouse. Fortunately (or not... as the case may be...) we are not normal!! :-) We drafted these plans ourselves... that should explain a lot... LOL. And we are constantly changing them as we go. See, originally the roof was going to slant front to back... I was going for Quick, Easy, and Cheap. But after we got the floor done and saw how small 6'x8' really is... we decided to do what any reasonable people would do and shift the roof line so it slants left to right.... in theory we are building Half of a Playhouse :-). Then in time (hopefully *soon*) we can build the other half and it will look like a Normal Little Playhouse! Can you envision that?
So, *No* we aren't normal... LOL. But we are having fun!! And it's gonna be SO CUTE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! It's so neat how you all work together, I love to see family's doing that.

    come visit my blog and enter the giveaway going on!

    Oh and PS...I have not forgotten about the jumpers, I just figured we can wait until after christmas :). Hope thats ok with you. I'll be sending your SOTM this Tuesday!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!