
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our "Running Away" Day in pictures

and, of course, dialog... you know me...

Okay, so we headed down the road toward Ocheessee Landing (there's a park there but when we got there I discovered the park is in SAND... and you know how I feel about SAND so we just kept going down the road).
We drove down to the actual landing (boat landing area) and walked up and down the ... 'shoreline'... river side? What would that be? The children found lots of rocks and shells and assorted unidentifiable metal bits. Great fun, no?
And we talked to two men there and the told the children stories of the Great Floods of 93 and 94 (or was it 92 and 93?) and showed them a catfish and what catfish filets look like. Oh and they pointed out a Live Oak that is reportedly over 400 years old and is the oldest Live Oak in Florida. Of course I had the camera the van and forgot to take any pics of part one of our adventure.

Then we headed the other way down Ocheessee Landing Road and drove over to Ocheessee Pond. I did take pics there... so here ya go!

And I took some photos of the children too. It's a very scenic area... even if it is a boat dock ;)

Then we drove back to our house to check on The Smell. It was almost gone but not quite so Molly and I packed a picnic and we headed to the park in Sneads. I remembered that I had told my new friend Traci (she lives in Sneads) that the next time we went to the park I would call her. She, bless her heart, is always up for spontaneous fun so she gathered up her crew and met us there. She and I had so much fun gabbing that I forgot to take any pics of our children playing together. I did take some pics of our children before she got there and I'll put them in the next post :)

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