
Friday, February 22, 2008

BEAVER in our yard last night!!!

a Beaver. big furry animal, big orange teeth, long flat tail--- a beaver!!

IN our Yard!!!Our yard is entirely fenced! Three sides with dog fence and one side with field fencing.A beaver in our yard! The dogs killed her. Sorry Mrs. Beaver. She got a couple of them though... one got it in the nose and one got it in the leg. Beaver have sharp teeth. I don't think the dogs knew what to do with her. They've never seen a beaver before.

I've never seen a beaver up close before.

Why, oh why was there a beaver in my back yard? Where did she come from?

The boys saved her body because they want to skin her. I told them I didn't care as long as I didn't have to smell anything Am I a good homeschooling mommy or what?Is there any reason they shouldn't skin the beaver? Any health concerns or anything? Anybody know?

Wanna see a pic of the dead beaver? I don't want to gross anyone out... she has orange teeth. Like UT orange... very wierd. Elijah said they are orange because she doesn't brush them!

Molly has some better pics. I'll get them from her camera in a few minutes!


  1. Oh my gosh! Dana I didn't even know we had beavers in this part of the country. Crazy! Your boys are Very Brave, Lincoln & Jacob want to know who exactly is doing the skinning?? T

  2. Hi! I "followed" you here from the RGT board. Very nice blog! I had no idea there were beavers in Florida, either! Many years ago (when my 20yodd was 11) we did a unit study on beavers. We read tons of books about them. They are VERY interesting animals! It would have been cool to have actually seen a beaver IRL.


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