
Friday, May 30, 2008

News on the Home (Business) Front

Short Version of the Story:
We are the proud new owners of Wonder Unders. Check it out at

Long Version of the Story:
Stacy (previous owner of Wonder Unders) is on HearthKeepers (a message board we are both part of). She had decided to sell the business and posted it on HK. (They have a maple farm business and she has five children and the oldest wasn't quite five when the fifth was born ... she decided to sell Wonder Unders to have more time to help with the maple farm, etc...)

Where was I? Oh yes, she posted in on HK and I read her post. I felt this immediate peace that this was for us. I didn't say anything to Tony but casually showed him the thread when he got home. He felt the same way. We didn't tell each other... I didn't say anything because I already had this "perfect business model" in my head an WU did / does not fit the bill. At All. Same for Tony.

But it kept coming up. The Lord kept pointing us to it and we kept saying "nah..." must not be God. Must be 'just a good idea'... blah blah blah... Finally we went ahead and put our names in the hat. We were second in line. We spent a lot of time praying that the woman ahead of us would buy the business and that way we could know For Sure what God's will was for us.

We waited.

And waited.

She passed. Now what? We spent another week praying and asking Stacy dozens of questions. We tried to revamp our "perfect business model". We tried to see what the Lord was doing here. He just made it so clear.

So, here we are.

My days are busy but I see to get a lot more accomplished when I am busy than I do when I am not busy...

I already have a backlog of four orders to get sewn and out next week. Life is never boring... :)


  1. Congratulations! I did and still do think that sounds like a great business for you.

    Beth in Asia

  2. Yea! Great stuff at Wonder Unders! And, already you're dealing so well with us "difficult" customers! :)
    God bless!!


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