
Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Praise to share with you all!

Joseph was nursing 5 or 6 times per 24 hour period when Luke had his accident. I am one of those 'prone' to mastitis if I go 12 hours without nursing. This was, of course, a huge concern when I was at the hospital with Luke. The last thing I needed was mastitis.

The accident was Monday late afternoon. Joseph had nursed around noon. That night, around midnight, the nurses brought me an electric double pump to use. I pumped for 20 minutes and got Not A Drop of milk. My milk was gone. Poof. Just like *that*. Tried everything, hot shower, hand expressing, everything. There was just nothing there. Not a drop.

Really an answer to prayer.

We got out of the hospital on Thursday. Joseph nursed just about as soon as we got back to the S's house. Man did it hurt. Nursing while completely empty is very painful to me. There was no milk there. None. I continued to allow him to nurse when he asked but made the sessions very short as I was very teary with pain at each session.

By Sunday my milk was starting to come back. By Tuesday it was back in full-force.Isn't God so good! I know Joseph doesn't *need* to nurse and I was resolved with him weaning and very much at peace with the whole thing. Then God restored my milk ... what an extra special blessing this is to me. Nursing is so dear to me and I am so thankful!


  1. Dana, that is incredibly wonderful!! God's hand was/is so evident in this whole situation. I just love Him!

  2. Hey Dana,
    That is wonderful. We are so thankful that Luke is ok. I'm not sure what the accident was but we are praying for your family..

    The Lains

  3. Dana -
    I really enjoyed your family webpage -- it looks great!! I came to your website through the Lain's blog.
    You have a beautiful family that brings honor to our Lord.
    I completely understand about the nursing issue. I nursed 2 of our 6 until two and a half years. I am still nursing our baby (15 mos.) and plan to continue. It is such a precious time that nothing can replace!
    Will try and keep up with you all.
    BTW -- The children's webpages are too cute!

    Molly S.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!