
Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Thank you" seems so inadequate...

but I don't know what else to say.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. They were really felt.

We got home last night and are still in 'vacation recovery mode' today.

I hope to get a complete update written soon but I did want to post to tell you all how much your prayers meant to all of us.

Luke is fine. He is 100% back to his sweet self. Thank you Lord!

Thank you all so much. You are all so dear to me!


  1. Dana, Dana, Dana,

    I am in awe over what the Lord has done for your family! Praise God Luke is 100% again....just amazing!

    Miss seeing your posts and can't wait for you to get back into the swing of things again.

    Late on soap as usual...we haven't made anything new in so long! But don't fret, I'll get ya some hopefully before you have to go borrow some from Brandy! LOL!



  2. What a wonderful answer to prayers to have Luke 100%!!!

    Susan in GA (on the 'Shed + a reader of Katie's blog)

  3. Dana, Tony, Everyone,
    We are praising the Lord for Luke right along with you! What a wonderful gift...words do not fit. We are so happy to hear all are home safe & sound.

    Much Love & Prayers,
    A.T., Traci, & Family

  4. We are so thankful you had a safe trip home and praise God for Luke's health! It will be good to see you again--we've missed the Lewis family!!

    Love in Christ,
    Rocky and Heidi

  5. Dana, we heard through Cathy and Katie and were praying! As I read the news, I was filled with JOY because I knew that Jesus came for this, to restore Luke and make him whole again! I am so happy but NOT surprised that Luke is well.

    I just realized you had this blog - I'll be checking back. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!