
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nehemiah is Almost Done!

4o weeks 1 day


And a comparison shot...

40 weeks 4 days with Joseph


  1. you look wonderful!!!
    your hair is so LOOOONG!!!!

  2. Dana, you look great. I love the comparison pics. I think little Nehemiah looks like he may be a bit smaller?

    You just look beautiful darling!

    Can't wait to hear the *news*!

  3. you look gorgeous! Can't wait to see him!! I agree with Tara, you look a little smaller with Nehemiah.

  4. Hey Dana!!! So very excited for you!!! Long time, no talk. Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. Hope all goes well with the delivery. Give our love to the family.
    Love, Tracy Graves

  5. So cute!! =) You still have that pregnancy glow, even after so many. I was sick my whole last trimester with #5 and maybe that's why I looked completely washed out and at least 10 years older. But you look lovely and your hair is amazing!!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!