
Friday, September 12, 2008

What's for Lunch? Pizza Rolls here!

They may not look Pretty but they were were good!!
Dana's Pizza Rolls
In a medium bowl combine:
2 c flour
1 t salt
1 T baking powder
1/4 t baking soda
2 t basil *
2 t garlic powder*
1/4 c oil
3/4 ish cup milk
Mix drys. Add wets. You are making a basic biscuit here. (On the items with *... well, ya got me. No, you know I didn't measure those -- I just dumped in some till it looked right -wink-)
Plop onto floured surface and roll thin. How thin? hhhmmm... between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. Yes, that sounds about right.
Cover lightly with pizza sauce (your choice... if you want a recipe, just holler!) Too much sauce and it all squishes out when you roll it up. Yes, I said "roll it up"... Pizza Rolls are like Cinnamon Rolls...only totally different.
Cover with your choice of pizza toppings. I, obviously, used turkey pepperoni. Then sprinkle with mozzarella (or your choice of cheese/s).
Begin rolling from the edge away from you toward you. Gently. It will fall apart but that just makes it taste better. Neat food doesn't taste nearly as good as messy food!
Cut as for cinnamon rolls, in about one inch slices. Remember it will kinda fall apart and that's okay. We're not going for pretty here.
Place one inch apart on baking sheet (I always use parchment paper to make an easy clean-up). Sprinkle generously with parmesan cheese.
Bake at 450 for 12 minutes (give or take, depending on the thickness of your slices, your oven's mood, etc...)
Heat any leftover sauce for dipping.


  1. YUMMY!!! I love the idea of homemade pizza without trying to make a yeast dough. I think they do look pretty!!

  2. what time should I be there?
    looks great! ~*B*~


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