
Monday, November 10, 2008

Newest Project ~ Birthday Banner

Remember I told you we had so much fun with our 'Give Thanks' banner that we were working on a birthday one? Well, here it is! We had a lot of fun and learned that some patterns work better than others! :-)

I ran out of little clothes pins and put the name up with straight pins. Never fear, I went back to WalMart and purchased more clothes pins after I took this pic!


  1. How about a quick tutorial of how you made these Dana?

    I've been wanting to make these for awhile, but can't decide which method I would prefer. I really like yours and would like to make banners very similar.

    Even instructions without pics would be helpful if a full photo tutorial would be too much. I imagine that would be too time-consuming for you to do.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!