
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Top 10 Reasons to Buy More Fabric

10. The quilt shop gets angry when you steal it.
9. It will go with something I bought last year.
8. Well-known fact: prevents washing machine withdrawal symptoms on light laundry days.
7. Keeps the people who make cardboard inserts in bolts of fabric employed, thus supporting the national economy in yet one more way.
6. Assists the little birdies with their nests when scraps, threads, and little whispies are allowed to blow in the wind.
5. Without fabric I would have nothing to do with my rotary cutter, my mat, my sewing machine, my iron, my thread, my needles, my quilting books. And my time.
4. Step 32 of Master Plan to drive husband crazy.
3. It does not promote tooth decay.
2. It's not immoral, illegal, or fattening.
1. Surgeon General says: "10 yards a day keeps the blues away."

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