
Monday, December 1, 2008


Our pastor mentioned the term "ThanksLiving" in his sermon yesterday and it has stuck in my mind. What does it mean? To me it means to live with a continual attitude of thanks to the Lord for all He has done for us.

I wanted to write a long post about Thanksgiving but I can't quite get my thoughts together enough to share without crying.

I do want to publically thank the Lord once again... this Thanksgiving as we gathered around the table I was profoundly impressed with how different things could have been. I am so grateful that there is no empty spot at our table. The Lord not only saw fit to give Luke back to us, He blessed us with Nehemiah.

The Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting. Thank you Lord. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!