
Friday, September 26, 2008

Elijah's Artwork

ROAR! Are you scared?
Fly away Butterfly

mmmm.... Bread!

Guess what I did yesterday?
mmm... it's been so long since I've made homemade bread. Freshly ground wheat, local honey... smells so good!

Here's Joseph enjoying a slice of 'fresh from the oven' bread with butter!

Don't you wish you could smell it? :-)

Storing Cloth Dipes

Adrienne asked how we store cloth dipes so I took a pic for her. This is just a dresser that I've converted to a changing station. I made a pad from 2 inch thick foam and covered it with white poly PUL turned laminated side out.

I made it long enough for Joseph. I made 'fitted sheet' - style covers for it. I think it's working nicely!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Molly took this the other day. The rainbow looks upside down, doesn't it?

Nehemiah is Almost Done!

4o weeks 1 day


And a comparison shot...

40 weeks 4 days with Joseph

Tiny Toad

Sam and the Tiny Toad

By popular demand...

I added the recipe to the post below "Molly's Been Baking"... Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies!
