
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nehemiah's First Haircut

It's time... Don't you think?...

Look at that hair... OVER his ears completely!

Doesn't he look pleased?

It was very hard to get the hair at his collar. I've NEVER had to cut the hair of a child who couldn't hold his head up completely by himself.

All Better Now!

Big Boy!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sewing for Nehemiah

Yep... I've been sewing for Nehemiah. It took about an hour to whip up these four pairs of pants for him. I love sewing!

He has this adorable shirt but no pants to match... that was the beginning of my sewing today. See how cute!!
And these denim ones are my favorite because they have a story. I love a good story. One day I was in Goodwill looking around because it was half-price day :-). I never go on the curtain/bedspread row because, well, I never need things like that. But, for some reason, this particular day I stumbled upon that row. Lo and behold what did I find? Denim Curtains! Whoda thunk? There were actually three sets of floor-length denim curtains, Martha Stewart and Ralph Lauren brands. Do you realize how much fabric is in curtains? -faint- Lots and lots and lots. And they were $7 a pair! Woohooo!!!! So I used the factory hem for the hem of the pants (how easy~peasy is that?!) and for the pockets!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Day pics

We have a sort of 'family tradition' of sharing our Thanksgivings with friends. We have been blessed through the years to share this special day with many different families. Thanksgiving is a very special holiday for our family! This year we were tickled to have 'Grandma' and 'Grandpa' Nissley here with us. We are so thankful to the Lord for putting special people in our lives... he has really shown us what being a part of the family of God is really all about!
Grandma... doing what Grandmas do best... :-)

Grandpa surrounded by little ones looking at scrapbooks.

"Can't leave Grandma out... let's show her too!"

Our Thanksgiving dinner table... what was on the menu? Well, turkey, of course. This year I prepared it a la Emilie Barnes -- slow roasted. Dressing (my Mama's recipe), green bean casserole, Southern Peach Yam Bake (a new recipe for us and definitely a keeper! Recipe to follow...), mashed potatoes, fresh corn, cranberry sauce, cranberry salad, broccoli salad, carrot apple salad, tea and rolls (Sister Schubert, of course!) Oh and Italian-styled deviled eggs (yummy! The only ones I like!) We had such a feast -giggle- we invited our other 'adopted' family over for a Leftovers Feast on Friday night. Danny, Brandy and their children came over for supper and we had a nice visit with them (as always!) Next year, Lord willing, they will have another plate on their table for Thanksgiving!!

And later, dessert... chocolate cake, pecan pie, chess pie (Tony's request, I've never made it or eaten it before... too bad it's soooo good!), and Miss Alma brought pumpkin pie! YUMMY!

And now for the recipe I promised.... too bad Molly didn't get a picture of it it all of it's yumminess!!

MOMYS Southern Peach Yam Bake (p 133)
2 29 oz cans sweet potatoes
1 29 oz can peaches
1 c brown sugar
1 c pecans
6 T flour
1 t nutmeg *
2 T butter
2 c mini marshmallows *
Drain sweet potatoes and peaces and place in casserole dish.
Stir together brown sugar, flour and nutmeg.
Cut in butter.
Add pecans and sprinkle mixture over sweet potatoes and peaches.
Bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Sprinkle on marshmallows and broil until toasted.

*I couldn't find nutmeg (where was it hiding?!) so I used allspice! And I omitted the marshmallows this time. It was very yummy!!!


Our pastor mentioned the term "ThanksLiving" in his sermon yesterday and it has stuck in my mind. What does it mean? To me it means to live with a continual attitude of thanks to the Lord for all He has done for us.

I wanted to write a long post about Thanksgiving but I can't quite get my thoughts together enough to share without crying.

I do want to publically thank the Lord once again... this Thanksgiving as we gathered around the table I was profoundly impressed with how different things could have been. I am so grateful that there is no empty spot at our table. The Lord not only saw fit to give Luke back to us, He blessed us with Nehemiah.

The Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting. Thank you Lord. Thank you.

We are all well...

and just in time for Thanksgiving! Pics to follow soon!