
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 2 ~ Visiting with Nana and Poppa

Cousins -- Joseph (born in July) and Avery (born in Nov)
Great fun with 'new' toys!
Friday we drove to Hendersonville and spent the day with Tony's folks. His brother Andy and sister Anitra were there along with Anitra's son Avery and Tony's grandmother. MaryVance had the camera so all the pictures are of the boys playing :) Amanda was there for a little while and Anitra brought Allen to meet everyone. Poor fella... LOL
We spent the night with Grandmother (thank you GG, we really enjoyed spending time with you!) Grandmother took us out for breakfast. I didn't have my camera but hopefully Mom will send me a copy of the whole family picture taken in front of Cracker Barrel. :)
Love y'all!

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