
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rearranging.... Again :)

Most of you know how much I like to rearrange :) I am always looking for ways to make the best use of our space. Well we have this large room 'downstairs' (used to be part of the garage that we closed in). It has been a guest room, a play room, a sewing room, a sewing/Matt & Jenn room and now it's a sewing & craft storage room / guest room / Littles Library & Lounge :) I like for rooms to be functional. We moved the shelving to create a wall and made a storage area in the back of the room for sewing and craft stuff. There's also room to leave the ironing board up all the time -- which makes Molly very happy!

I took lots of pictures. Maybe you can get the basic idea (especially if you've been here before). Now this area has a storage area for sewing and craft stuff and the rest of the room houses the dvds/videos, small TV, children's computer, love seat and futon. It will be very easy to 'convert' into a guest room (hint, hint, hint) and will still be very usable space for us!

view from the storage area looking straight out
storage area

storage area (still needs to be organized a bit, just did all this yesterday)

Molly's Happy Place!

Oh and the children's books are down here too. I think I forgot to mention that earlier!

Another shot. Still no doors for the closet so I hung a curtain there. That closet houses more craft and sewing stuff.

Loveseat and children's computer with dvd/video storage cabinets top left


view from the doorway

It's working wonderfully! Just like I envisioned!!! I love it!
Now if I can recreate the space upstairs to be exactly like I want it to be... Originally the room upstairs was our library, then it was a guest room, then it was a sewing room, then it was a play room, then I scooched the playroom over to half the room and used the other half for sewing. I really like sewing up there where I am 'in the midst' of my children :) I want to rearrange things a bit better today so it is half playroom and half sewing room. Wish me luck!


  1. Wonderful, Dana!! I am so glad it turned out like it did. :D

    I am sure you can get the upstairs room organized to your specification...just takes a little ingenuity.

    GO GIRL!!

  2. Sewing area / play room all done! It's still messy but all the big furniture is in place!!


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