
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

35 More Days....


  1. Fun map.

    2nd time trying to comment. :) One of the problems is that I try to use the OpenID part. But then it says I'm not logged into Wordpress so it won't let me post. But I forget about this, because sometimes I am logged in, depends on when I was last on Wordpress. Anywho. So then when I go back or I do log in, it has deleted my comment. And then I don't want to do it over. But I am. For you. and I'm going to use the Name/URL section instead.

    Doesn't blogger have an option to just comment below the post and leave it there, not go to a new page? And if all comments must be approved by the blog owner, why have word verification? Those are two reasons I hate commenting on blogger.

  2. Dear Melissa,
    To answer your questions...
    I have no idea. :)

  3. I know for sure you can get rid of the word verification. :)

  4. How's that? Removed word verification *just for you*.

    What else did you want me to look at?

  5. Melissa asked "Doesn't blogger have an option to just comment below the post and leave it there, not go to a new page?"

    Dana is off to look...

  6. Dana sees the following options:
    Full page
    Pop-up window
    Embedded below post
    The embedded comment form can not be used if you have Post Pages disabled.

    Off to see what 'post pages' means...

  7. Dana changed setting to "Embedded below post".

    Is Melissa happy?

    Dana wants Melissa to Love Her! LOL

  8. I'm trying to post, just to see if it works. You know, Dana, if you change your route just a little, you can swing by here and pick me up. LOL


  9. Oh... I've never seen this box on a blogger thing... let's see if this works!

  10. Dana, I love you. I think you're the only person I know on blogger that has their comments embedded below post. :)

  11. Michele,
    Hey, that's an idea... hhmmm... LOL

    But it would cost you... LOL

  12. Chautona!!!!

    You are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohooo!!!!!!


  13. I think I'll go see if I can embed my comments below my post. How cool is this?

    So -- how was your trip? We loved the creation museum. VERY neat experience!! Did you?

  14. It works!! I'm not actually from Altoona IA, b.t.w. I wonder why is says that. We do go to the Orthodontist in Altoona... they have a good library there. Funny.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!