
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Meet My Children

I guess technically I should say our children... :)


Caleb will be 17 in November. He is a very thoughful young man. He is not rash at all and takes a lot of time to think through decisions. He's a lot like his Daddy (most of my children have a personality similar to Tony's). He enjoys reading and researching, especially deep topics of religious nature. He questions a lot and wants to understand things. He is a black/white thinker. He is very strong in his convictions and causes me to think deeply about my own.

Molly is 15. I can't really believe it. She is seriously my right arm and my brain. She knows where everything is, it's uncanny. She can find anything. Really. She is incredibly organized, loves photography and is very much like her Daddy in a lot of ways. She's very easy-going and doesn't really have strong opinions about very many things. She is a delight and a joy in my life.

Sam is 13. A young man. How did that happen? or rather, 'when'? He loves to be outside and is happiest just exploring in the woods. He loves animals and has an enormous amount of animal information stored in his brain. He's always saying "Mama, did you know..." Sam has a very gentle heart and is friendly to everyone. He loves, loves babies and is the one of my children who is the first to ask to hold the new babies at church.

Luke is eleven and a lot of fun. He loves to create and build things. He is enjoying learning to bake different breakfast meals. He is a delight to my soul. I love his smile. He loves to read like his siblings. He is often found in his bed with a book in hand.

MaryVance is nine. She's growing up so fast. She's the 'big sister' of the youngers and she knows it. :bow: She loves to organize and coordinate play time. She loves to read. She is very much a 'physical touch' person and will hug you when she meets you (just fair warning Lori :lol: ) She is my most out-going child. She enjoys people of all ages and will often be found at church visiting with the 'grandparents' there.

Elijah is seven. He is hilarious. He has a fun sense of humor and loves to 'big brother' his little brothers. He has a quick temper but he is quick to get over it too. He has a sweet heart and is quick to forgive and ask forgiveness.

Isaac is five and a half. He is a delight. He loves to play dress up too and is often either a cowboy or Robin Hood. He's in that fun stage of little boy/big boy and it's neat to watch him grow up. Isaac loves to snuggle too. He has a very sweet temperment, he hardly ever gets upset or angry. He's very mellow. He has an infectious smile.

Joseph is very fun! He loves to dress up and is usually a sheriff, cowboy, Woody... sometimes 'Goober' (which he pronouces 'Duffer' :lol: ) He has a very sweet servant's heart and is anxious to please and help. He really surprises me sometimes with the things he does. He is generous and thoughtful. We call him 'Joey', 'Joe Joe', 'Duffer', he calls himself 'Joefuss' :lol:, he is 'this many' (3). Joey is a snuggler

Nehemiah is the best baby. He has a wonderfully sweet temperment and is very easy going. He loves to snuggle and is very smiley.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!