
Saturday, August 1, 2009

I want to share something with y'all!

This is the store for a lovely young lady, my 'adopted niece' Lauren. Her family is adopting a family of five from Ethiopia. She is wanting to do her part to contribute to the air fare needed to bring them home. She takes beautiful photography and created graphic art with text, etc... Here is one example:

"Before I formed you in the womb I new you" was the inspiration for this original graphically designed piece of art. Sepia tone print inset with a warm cocoa brown mat and 16x13 Walnut frame."
Lauren has taken our family photographs for the past several years. Her mother is my dearest friend in MO. Many of you remember our Luke's drowning accident last summer... this young lady, Lauren, is the one of the sisters who administered CPR to Luke. Please go look at her site! Her work is lovely and her cause is a wonderful one...

I'd like to share two more of my favorites and then I'll stop gushing...

"This beautiful and tender sketch expresses the precious relationship between father and child. Showcased in a charcoal black mat encased in beautiful black frame (15x12")."Text reads: "A father reaches for a hand, but touches a heart."
"Text reads: "One of the GREATEST things in the world is to learn to see Beauty in the Commonplace"Black 12x12" frame with cream mat."
A note from Lauren: Not all are called to adopt, however, we are all called to minister to orphans in their distress. Anyone can love and minister to orphan children by helping other families adopt. Our family is adopting a sibling group of 5 orphaned children from Africa. The children were once a part of a loving Christian family, but death and disease took their toll leaving the children without parents and without hope. What if the roles were reversed? What if it were us in the desperate situation pleading for a Christian family to take our children and give them a life and teach them about Jesus? What if everyone turned their heads because of there were so many children, or it took so much money....Heaven forbid. The cost of international adoption is huge, and the goal of raising children from a vastly difference culture a lofty one. Later this year, my parents will be traveling to Africa to bring our 5 children home. 100% of the proceeds from my art sales will go toward their airfare. I am excited to do my part to "minister to orphans in their distress." With that goal in mind...I present my photographic art!
A note from Dana: I have a favor to ask of you all, my blogging friends. Please share this story with everyone you know, blog about it, share any way you can. As Lauren said "Not everyone is called to adopt" but we are all called to minister to orphans. Sharing the word about Lauren's store is one very easy way we can all be involved in Bringing Them Home!
Please, go look at her store now and share the link with everyone!!
Bring Them Home on etsy. Thank you all!

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