
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home Tour Continued ~ Our Living Room

A while back I started doing a 'Home Tour'....
During our 'spring cleaning' this week I worked on a way to display the children's artwork and photography and I wanted to share those pics with you. I also realized I never posted a 'After' picture of the Home Reserve Furniture so here goes...
The bookshelves are along the back wall of the living room.
Standing in the doorway from the back porch this is to your right.

and from the same point, this is to your left.
The huge, useless, monstrosity of a fireplace that I wish would just disappear overnight! I could sure use that square footage!

I just finished the top photo collage. It needs to be rehung higher but I just used a nail that was already there. I wanted to have photographs of the children's grandparents where they could see them often.
On the cabinet, L to R: Aunt Louise, my maternal grandfather's parents on their wedding day, Matt with Jenn and Landon, and a photo from our wedding with our parents (before the divorces).
In the frame, clockwise:
My mom with her red-haired grands, Elijah and Molly, Tony's grandmother, Grandma Alma and Grandpa Lonnie (Nissley), me and my dad, Tony's dad, Tony's mom and step dad and in the center Aunt Louise and Uncle Max.
Over the short end of the sectional.
I wanted to display the children's artwork and photography.
I really like how this turned out!
Here's a closer shot.
I have such talented children!
The view from the dining area.

The view from the hallway.

I hope you enjoyed your tour! Please stop by sometime, kick off your shoes and snuggle up on the sectional... MaryVance will bring you your favorite drink and we can visit!


  1. I really like the way the artwork collage came out too! Very nice.

  2. Your home looks so pretty and welcoming! I love what you did with the kids' art work, it looks great! I wish we were not so far away, I'd love to stop by for a visit!

  3. It all looks great! I'm not sure that I have seen a picture of your cabinets. They looked really good. And of Course, I love the children's artwork, but then I could be a little prejudice, what do you think? You can bet if I was close enough I would be stopping by for a glass of ice tea! Nana

  4. I love how the house looks! The artwork is awesome!! Can't wait to curl up on the couch and visit...we do need to talk!!
    Much Love,


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!