
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nehemiah's 1st birthday pictures

Look at him standing up!
Sam and I (Molly) took him outside to get his 'official' birthday pictures,we only got a few before it started raining...

Isn't he adorable?!?
His birthday cake...
Looking at his book that Mama made him...
He really likes it!
LOL!! This is a toy snake Luke and MaryVance gave him... I think he was pretending to be a puppy in this picture! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Aww.. so sweet! I'm really starting to see you in him a lot more! I love that picture whare he has the snake in his mouth!! :P too cute! he is starting to look so grown up and handsome! I know you don't want to hear the grown up part so he still looks like a wittle bitty baby!! :)


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