
Thursday, October 29, 2009

"What He Must Be" tidbit from chapter 3

This book is so good. It's making me think about things I've never thought about before. It's making me think of things in a whole new way...

Quote from Tim Keller:
There is, in the end, only two ways to read the Bible; is it basically about me or basically about Jesus? In other words, is it basically about what I must do, or basically about what he has done? If I read David and Goliath as basically giving me an example, then the story is really about me. I must summons up the faith and courage to fight the giants in my life. But if I read David and Goliath as basically showing me salvation through Jesus, then the story is really about him. Until I see that Jesus fought the real giants (sin, law, death) for me, I will never have the courage to be able to fight ordinary giants in life (suffering, disappointment, failure, criticism, hardship).

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