
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So... do you 'know' us?

I received a very sweet email from someone who was very dear to me during my youth years. I sent him a sort of update note and thought I'd share part of it here with y'all Ü

We are all great here. We love living in Florida and are blessed with a wonderful church family -- that is really like family to us :) Tony enjoys his job (still with the SSA, he's the manager of the Marianna office).

We are still homeschooling and loving every minute of it! Caleb (17, grade 12) loves astronomy and got a telescope for his birthday. He is also very interested in and studies a lot of Creation apologetics.

Molly (15, grade 10) is very interested in photography. She and Sam have a photography blog ( and have sold several of their photographs. They have also each won several awards for their photographs. Molly is a delight to me, she is my left arm :)

Sam (age 13, grade 8), in addition to his enjoyment of photography is quite the bird lover. He enjoys watching and photographing them and is working on a little 'hideaway' spot for bird viewing. He is the 'go-to' guy for messy jobs and he, Molly and Caleb take care of all the critters on our little farm.

Luke (age 11, grade 6) is an avid reader (as were the older boys at his age) and just informed me that he read The Hobbit last night before bed. He's going to have one long book report due tomorrow! LOL He is such a blessing and an 'in the flesh' miracle to so many who prayed for him after the accident.

MaryVance (age 9, grade 4) loves school! She's a great big sister to 'all those little boys' :) She loves all things crafty and has a very tender heart for the elderly.

Elijah (age 7, grade 2) is the boss the the little boys! He loves to direct their dress-up / imaginative play and is very creative. He also loves to draw and is quite the little artist.

Isaac (age 5, grade K) is tender-hearted and loving. He goes along with Elijah's plans (most of the time!) and enjoys school and playing.

Joseph (age 3) is the first boy about whom I would say "he is all boy"... I never understood that phrase until now. LOL He is on full-steam ahead All Day Long. He is so much fun and I enjoy his energy and antics so much.

Nehemiah (age 1) is just such a fun, happy little boy. He is talking so much, he loves Daisy (our dog) and he's the first child who looks like me (for whatever that is worth... lol)

We are very active and involved in our church and homeschool community here. God has blessed us so much! I am pretty good about keeping my blog updated ( not so good about keeping our website updated ( Molly is good about keeping her blog updated ( We also have a couple of home businesses that keep us all hopping.

I hope you enjoyed that little blurb and learned something 'new' about our family Ü. We do love to have company and love to open our home to others. If you are ever going to be traveling down/up this way please let us know!!

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