
Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Bedroom Remodel Phase I ~ Day 1

Um, yeah, What Are We Thinking?!

Okay, now that I got that out of my system, let me explain...  Our home is a typical ranch style house.  The north end has two bedrooms on each side of the hallway and a bathroom at the end of the hallway.  The first bedroom on the left is the boys room, the first bedroom on the right is the girls room.  The last bedroom on the left is our room and the last bedroom on the right has served several different functions.  It was originally the sewing room and it was the last room we painted.  The children all had wanted to help paint (we repainted the entire house when we moved in) and had been so patient that I told them they could paint the sewing room.  :D  I'm just a good Mama like that... LOL

We were trying to use all the leftover paint (being frugal -snort-) so I mixed the golden yellow from the living room and hallway with the cranberry from the living room and it made this melon color.  Now you know why part of the room is melon colored.  One wall is sponge painted with all the leftover colors of paint.  The children painted one wall theirselves, it has their handprints, footprints and their names and ages.  It's so precious :) 

Fastforward... I moved the sewing room down to the new part of the house (we closed in the garage) and that bedroom eventually became a closet for the boys.  A huge closet.  It was their 'dressing room'. 

They have outgrown their bedroom, it's too small.  The dressing room is too large just for a dressing room/closet so... we decided to move the girls across the hall into the boys room and knock out the wall between the former girls room and the boys dressing room to make one big bedroom for the boys!

Whew.  Following me?  I, of course, forgot to take "before" pictures when it was neat (well, as neat as a huge closet can ever be)... so here goes:
Standing in the closet looking north
The hallway wall.

The view from the north looking toward the 'soon to be removed' wall!

And in case you were wondering 'why in the world did they paint this room anyway?!'... it was white and silver streaked paneling...
Luke was a little tyke when we moved in and he wanted to write everyone's names and ages on the closet wall :)
And here he is helping Tony pull down the trim from the closet. 
Thank you Lord for Luke!

Actually the first thing we had to do was empty the closet so that's why you see shelves of shoes on the other side of this room! 

Sam had been outside removing nails from wood we hope to reuse and was anxious to get in on the actual destruction.  If you know Sam that will not surprise you at all!  LOL

VOILA!  And...
I'm optimistically thinking we are 1/4 of the way through with the wall removal.  Woohoo!


  1. Our dc love the destruction phase of remodeling, lol! Can't wait to see the next update!


  2. Wonderful!! I love remodeling...wait, I THINK I would love remodeling!! ;)I love the "new feel" it gives.
    Have fun...I'm sure this project will include many happy memories!! :)

  3. I love home renovations!!! I"m so glad you're sharing this with us. I can't wait to see the finished project!!! I bet the boys are excited! What color are you going to paint it??

  4. Melissa, thanks! I know you do! I need to make a valance for the kitchen and then I can post those Before and After pictures!

    Boys room? They haven't decided. I told them something light colored but the rest is up to them. We have such exciting plans for the little boys three bed combo thingy...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!