
Friday, February 19, 2010

The Bedroom Project ~ Part 3

So Tony had off last week Th-Mo.  Everything we did took at least five times longer than we though it would.  Typical, right? LOL

The first thing we had to do was find places to put stuff.  I'm telling you... we have stuff everywhere.  There's a twin bed in the living room, there's a love seat and stacks of totes of dress up clothes in the dining room, there are dressers in the hallway, there's a load of stuff in the storage building, there's a dresser in the bathroom... I'm not kidding!

Here we go... our work days in order...
Caleb built a closet!  This was his first 'start to finish' framing job he did all by himself!  He did a great job.  Let me try to explain.  Our hallway is like a capital "T", the left end of the T going into our bedroom and the right end of the T going into was was the boys dressing room.  Caleb framed up that opening and made a closet.  So now the hallway looks like a "7".  Make sense? 
I am always amazed to watch Caleb work.  He is so strong.  He did a great job with all the measuring and cutting.  And those of you who know our home will not be surprised to hear that the walls where not square so it made for some interesting cutting!
The finished framed wall.

He's making a silly face at his sister -- imagine that!
We used a piece of the paneling that we removed from the dressing room for this wall.  A wonderful (haha) side result is that the yellow paint we had left over from when we painted originally has gone bad!  LOL  So we had to get more paint.  However, it didn't seem to make sense (cents) to me to buy a whole gallon of paint for that one section when I really want to repaint over all the yellow anyway.  So we bought a lovely 'hopsack' color and will repaint the entire hallway (which will eventually lead into painting the living room too!  woohoo!!!)

I can't find the last picture.  We recycled paneling from when we removed the living room/dining room wall (when we first moved in five years ago) to use in the inside of the closet.  It will all be painted white eventually!

Part 3 coming soon!


  1. Way to go Caleb! Hey, I bet Duane could use another capable guy around here when we finally get around to turning our lean-to into a real barn ;-)

  2. He'd love to come help but I need him here! LOL

  3. I have loved reading all your bedroom posts!! And in these pictures Caleb looks so ... grown up? I can't think of the right word. He's really changed in the last year.

  4. Thanks Melissa,
    Yes, sigh, those years are adding up...

    Hey Tony got the ceiling finished tonight! woot!!


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