
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On the road again...

Tuesday morning... we are on our way back home :) 

We left Sunday before last and drove to MO to visit our friends there (we made a overnight stop in Lonoke AR).  We had a wonderful visit with them!  The time just passes too quickly.  Jaynie is the kind of friend that you can not see for a year and then when you do get to visit it's like it was only yesterday.  Their family is very dear to us. 

They live in very south west MO so Tony decided since we had never been to KS or OK that we would take a detour on our way home.  ;)  We saw buffalo in OK, that was fun!   We stopped in Alma AR for lunch and met an previously unmet but much admired friend Jennifer and her children.  It so nice to finally meet friends that you've known for so many years!

We just had a leisurely day of travel and planned to stop at Lonoke again for the night.  About seven miles out (it was raining) the driver's side wiper stopped working.  We made it to Lonoke and spent the night.  I have a friend who lives in that general area so I emailed her and she said for us to drive over to her husband's shop the next morning and he would help Tony figure out what was wrong and fix it :) 

Stacy and I have been friends for several years but had not met until Saturday.  She has the most precious family!  I am so glad to have finally met her!  Kent was able to fix the wiper, it was a very simple fix but not something Tony has ever done before.  Kent knew immediately what the problem was because they had to make the same repair on their van once!  :)

We hit the road and drove on to my hometown (Brownsville) and went to Daddy's.  We stayed in his living room because our original plan to camp was thwarted by the high winds and scattered rain.  :(  We do enjoy camping there a lot so hopefully next time the weather will cooperate :)

We went to Mama's to visit for a while, Rebecca (my sister) was there.  We met the birds.  My mother is now the Bird Lady!  She's such an animal lover! 

Sunday evening we visited with the Sheltons and Turners.  Miss Peggy and Mr. Floyd have been in my life since I was about four.  We were neighors.  I have so many happy memories of their home and family!  I've often said Miss Peggy is my "sewing mother" but she is really much more than that.  She and Mr. Floyd have always loved me and always been there for me :)  Their daughter Lora and her husband and son were there too.  Lora and I are a year apart and had many fun adventures as young children (involving potty training, eating a whole bottle of baby aspirin, one of us shoving the other of us off a porch on to concrete... you get the idea!  LOL)  Their whole family is dear to me!

We spent Monday at the Botanic Gardens in Memphis and then went to the Memphis Zoo after lunch.  It was a perfect day for the zoo, the weather was light jacket weather and we were practically the only ones there! 

When we got back to Brownsville we dropped by Rebecca's to meet Ronald :)  and then back to Daddy's for the night.

We are on our way home right now.  :)  Yes, I have lots and LOTS of pictures to share!

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