
Monday, July 26, 2010

The Barn Gets A Facelift... and more!

Barns have so much character... I just love them!
This is our old barn... our home was built in 1976 so we are guessing the barn is of a similar age.  It's bones are very sturdy but it has some boo-boos that needed fixing!  A storm some unknown years ago pulled up the roof on the left side at the front and back.  The top floor in the back left corner, having no roof, has rotted.  The bottom right half of the barn was floored (but the flooring was mostly rotten) and the bottom left had no flooring at all.  Other than that, it was in great shape -- considering...

After many hours and much sweat the barn has a new floor on both sides and the roof is mostly repaired.  One more section and it will be all done.  The barn has a new front and new doors that are just awaitin' to be hung! 

New floor!

And painted to seal it.

The outside wall being built.

The interior wall separating the two halves.  The lower half of the wall was already there.

All ready for doors.  And the door up top needs to be fixed too. 
Isn't it pretty?! 

Today, if it doesn't rain, the plan is to finish the top front left of the roof overhang, repair the loft door (and we will probably close in the other door opening) and hang the doors on the ground floor.
Then we'll be all ready to move the storage stuff into the right side and the workshop stuff into the left side.  We'll add electricity later.


  1. it looks soo good! And I can't believe how fast you guys have built it! :)

  2. Isn't is exciting to see progress? The boys are doing a SUPER job!

  3. Dani, I'd like to know how you and Tony find time to get all these projects done??? :)
    It looks really good!!
    Kathy M (remember me?) :)

  4. Kathy,
    Bits and pieces, bits and pieces... little by little... the barn is all done except for a little bit on the roof. Poppa Lonnie is here today working on that :)


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