
Monday, March 14, 2011

The Friendship House

And for a little story about the name... the home we lived in when we lived in Mississippi was called The Friendship House.  It was built in the early 1930s and many homes in that area are named. It was also used as a restaurant in the mid 60s and again in the early 90s. It was a gorgeous house. Sigh. Anyway, when we moved we brought one of the signs with us.

We had this storage building, 20x24, right outside the sewing room door. (Which is relevant when you get to the bathroom part of the story. LOL)

Matt and Jennifer had lived with us off and on for two years. We decided to renovate it to make it a small 'guest house'. We did all the work ourselves and with some friends from church. (That is the reason is has a half bath and not a full bath. LOL.  It’s a short walk to the sewing room door and there’s a full bath just past the sewing room. :hn: ) The plan was for M&J to live there and save $$ so they could buy their own place. That happened sooner than we expected and we found ourselves with an empty FH. We talked about what would be the best use for the space and decided we wanted it not only for guests but that it needed to be a useful place for us too :hn:

The front half is living room/kitchen and the back is a large bedroom with half bath. We are going to put a full-sized stove in the kitchen and use it for a summer kitchen and for baking overflow! Molly and I are SO excited about this!!! The boys wanted a place to exercise and a ‘rec room’ so that’s what the back room is for. All these things can be pushed aside to make room for several air mattresses for when we have guests. The futon in the living room makes a nice bed space too.

From the front.

Looks like a harmless storage building, right?  hhmmm... let's look inside!

The living room/kitchen.  LR is to your right, kitchen to your left.
And the back room and half bath.

It was decorated to match their colors (notice the “accidental” Dr. Pepper kitchen colors ROFLOL ) Molly and I have decided we want to go with a beach theme color scheme in there. We can recover the futon easily and maybe I can beg a friend to help recover the loveseat.  That will be a project for later but it’s fun to plan it.
Now taking reservations for the Friendship House, The Lewis Family B&B! Come one, come all!  We love to have company!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute place -you guys did a great job! It'll be fun to see the changes you make now.....even more fun to see them in person -longing sigh-


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