
Sunday, April 7, 2013

10 Days...

10 days... really?!

The past week was a whirlwind of activity... we had Brokers here Monday to do the Comparative Market Analysis... Tuesday we drove to Greenville and started House Hunting Trip #2. Looked Tue afternoon, Wed, Thur, Fri... Thursday made an offer on a house. Friday received a counter, we countered, they countered, we countered... waiting to hear tomorrow if they accept or counter again.

Spent Friday evening with the wonderful Sauls family. What a blessing to meet their precious family ♥ The younger boys are now really, REALLY excited about the move 'cause we have friends there now, Mama!'

The moving surveyor came today to do a walk through and determine how many days to schedule to pack and load... and to do a rough estimate of our poundage. We are way over the paid-for limit... surprise anyone? LOL. We had already planned to rent a Uhaul but I guess we will need to rent a larger one now ;) Unless the extra fees for over poundage negate the price of a Uhaul and storage... ? So much to figure out...

What a ride!!! Weeeeeeee............

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dana,

    I haven't been getting your updates and suddenly I am again. It is so nice to catch up with everything you have going on. The children are so big. Glad to hear about the new opportunity and the friends. Praying all goes well with the move.



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