
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our New Library and School Room

Phase 1... we will come back and add drop ceilings sometime in the future... 

View from the library into the Family Room, which is partially done.
Let me find a 'before' picture...
Standing in the Family Room looking toward the Library

Family Room area

I know it's hard to picture without a floor plan but basically, if you were looking down from above, you could divide it into six areas.
Top left: exercise area, bottom left:  library
Top middle:  storage, future kitchenette, future bathroom, future laundry area
Bottom middle:  family room
Top right:  workshop
Bottom right:  storage

Does that even make sense?  LOL

We are enjoying being able to design the space to fit our needs.  Y'all know how much we enjoy home remodeling projects anyway!

Now, come see us sometime!  We love company!!

1 comment:

  1. That looks GREAT! Two thumbs up to your construction and flooring crews!


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