
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I love DIY projects... but you knew that already, didn't you?

We really needed some size appropriate tables for the school room.  The one we were using was too tall for most of us... actually, it's not the table's problem, the chairs are shorter than normal.  So, I had this brilliant idea... you know all great projects start with me saying "Hey, I have this idea..." LOL
Thanks to the great instructions found on this site,  my guys were able to modify them some and make us two new tables!  I love them!  They are the perfect size :)  Caleb is still deciding how to finish them but we are using them now!
They enjoyed using real plans instead of what I come up with for a change!  They all enjoyed learning some new techniques, like making rabbets for one ;)  A few pictures of the base. 

I forgot to take an 'after' picture before they were put into use, but this is what they look like now.
I love them!  And I love having handy guys who can make my dreams come true! 

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